How to use Amateri’s “Verified Couples” feature to find couples with verified profiles?
To use Amateri’s “Verified Couples” feature to find couples with verified profiles, you can follow these steps:
- Log in to your Amateri account.
- Click on the “Search” button located in the top menu bar.
- Select the “Couples” tab to search for couples.
- Scroll down the page and look for the “Verified” option on the left-hand side.
- Click on “Verified” to filter search results to only show verified couples.
Note that to become a verified couple on Amateri, you and your partner must both complete the verification process. This includes submitting a photo of both partners holding up a piece of paper with the current date and “Amateri” written on it. Once verified, you will receive a “verified” badge on your profile to indicate that your account has been verified.